Success Stories
Thanks to Twin Oaks, I feel better… so much better! His program makes so much sense. When your body is working as it was designed to, and being fed as we were meant to eat, you too will feel younger and healthier. Try it, you will be glad you did.
Dr. Sauer and his staff have been such an amazing help in my life. I no longer have anxiety and stomach pain. Me and my family have learned so much about food, how to cook it. Which foods are good for you, which ones are bad, and lots of resources to continue on this life style. I feel so much happier and have way more energy.
This experience is highly recommended for everyone. Especially if you’re not feeling right and something is just a little off. My afternoon energy levels have spiked and I lost the fat on my stomach that I though I could never get rid of. If you’re ready for a healthy, educational change, then this is your place to start!
“Twin Oaks can help you change your life and future with simple yet vital changes.
My personal experience with Twin Oaks Health program has been of tremendous, holistic improvement in my well being.
Dr. Forrest Sauer has changed my life immensely! With about 2 to 3 months of dedication to my health, I am a new person.
Thank you Dr. Sauer, Norma and Julie for everything you have done for me this last 6 months. This program is so easy to follow and understand, I started seeing the benefits of your program within weeks. I really liked the weekly modules and I learned something new with each module.
Those modules also kept me motivated to keep moving forward each week. I also got a lot of benefit from the weekly zoom meetings with Dr. Sauer, Norma and other participants in the program. I wish I would have found you years ago. Thank you for everything and I look forward to living this life style and learning more in the future.
A big, heartfelt thankyou to Twin Oaks for a helpful guide to a healthy lifestyle. Through God’s grace and divine guidance, Dr. Sauer and his team’s lifestyle adjustments truly changed my health and life, which are visible externally and can be felt internally.
I will continue to learn and teach from the information provided by this wonderful program. Prayers were answered and I am forever grateful that God led me down this path.
Before I reached out to Twin Oaks I was so sick. For the past several years I’ve been having major problems with my liver and I don’t even drink alcohol nor take Tylenol or Ibuprofen for that matter.
I was constantly sick my enzymes were very high. My doctor kept telling me that I needed to get them down but didn’t ever tell me how! I was sick and frustrated.
Then I reached out to Twin Oaks. Dr Sauer and his team have completely changed my life.
I was over weight and now I’ve been losing weight and feel better than I have in years.
After going through several years of medical treatment that felt like it was going nowhere, I decided it was time to take control of my health.
I was diagnosed with PCOS and told that I would need to take Metformin for the rest of my life. During this time I did a lot of research on insulin resistance, which is a huge part of PCOS. I knew that there was a lot of potential to reverse it if I took the correct steps. I’m grateful that I didn’t have to take those steps alone.
This program is more than just a healthy diet. It’s a complete in depth analysis of where you are in your health at the beginning of your journey, where you want to be with your health and the development of a plan to help you reach your goals.
I got detailed answers about my hormone imbalances, my vitamin deficiencies. A better understanding of why I felt like my bones were always sore. Or, why I was constantly tired and felt like my cognitive function just wasn’t there.
After almost 4 months I’m feeling better than I ever thought possible. This program is a commitment, but when you’re ready to take the leap, it’s absolutely worth it.
Thank you, Twin Oaks Health!
I am only 42 days into the program and have noticed incredible changes. I am no longer taking meds for depression or high blood pressure. I am sleeping better. I have become my old self again – more organized, accomplishing goals, etc. I can’t wait to see what further changes are afoot!
UPDATE: I first made this post pre-Covid. A few years later and my health is still better and my knowledge about health and nutrition keeps growing. Twin Oaks was the catalyst I needed to get into better shape.
I was hesitant to start this process, but I am grateful as I’ve learned so much, had lots of support and a bonus was I lost some weight!
Where to begin….healthcare is confusing. There are many aspects of it that doctors don’t examine. I think my first real shock came in when I found out the amount of unhealthy inflammation in my body. Yikes! It made sense and answered so many of my ailments. Why had nobody ever told me about this or tested for it before?
I was always to busy to invest the time to understanding the foods I was eating, believing that it was even pretty healthy. Oops…wrong! So when I began this program, the amount of discovery I was about to undergo really would have been mind-blowing had I known from the start what they were going to teach me.
The system was easy to follow though and introduced “the mind” to things a little at a time, so I didn’t feel overwhelmed. It was also teaching a discovery with “the body” … on what I was doing that was making me become so unhealthy.
Today, I feel younger, move better, ache less, weigh less, look healthier, recognize great tasting food, don’t see bad foods as rewards, and what is the most encouraging is that people that know me….notice! They say the most positive things that it helps me maintain a great attitude and desire to keep building and treating my body like the temple God encouraged each of us to do with it.
I may have failed for many years by putting everyone else before myself….but I also have turned it around in time to achieve a new start to a healthy me.
Nobody enjoys spending money to learn what they are doing wrong, but it changed me and made me start doing things right. The commitment I made to myself has allowed me a better future. My guess is I will also spend less time doctoring because of the new choices in better health and lifestyle.
We all deserve to treat ourselves with that amount of care….nobody else is going to do it for us….or can they if they wanted to even! It comes from within….we have to learn to treat ourselves better. This program was a great addition at just the right time to help me to help myself. I still have a few things to achieve after the four month dedication to the program and I believe that I have the great start that will continue to get me to even more of my personal goals.
When I didn’t get results from conventional medicine after testing and being told I’m fine, although I didn’t feel fine, I looked elsewhere. Found Dr. Sauer and Norma who are both very knowledgeable and easy to work with. With their approach to assessment, labs and lifestyle changes, we were able to get to the root of my health issues and work on making improvements in my health. I learned a lot of information from their program and Dr. Saur was able to explain what my labs meant and why I felt so sick. Proper testing is important! Health is not about taking medications or even supplements forever, but finding out what the root issue is and work on making changes to daily habits and lifestyle over time to heal the body and mind. Throughout this program I have learned that mindset is a huge part of healing, without the proper mindset health issues will always be a problem. I have learned how to reverse autoimmune issues, heal my gut, balance my hormones, and decrease inflammation and pain. I sleep better, have less anxiety and autoimmune flare ups and have my energy back. My skin looks better, I feel younger, stress levels have been reduced, and I have more motivation and energy to spend time with my family and do things I enjoy. Your not only what you eat, but also what you digest and absorb, this is why it’s import to get to the root of the problem and not just cover up the symptoms temporarily and create further issues down the road that keep you coming back.
I just completed my 6 month course with Dr. Sauer at Twin Oaks Health. I’ve written a previous post a month or two earlier on what lead me to going to Twin Oaks Health. I started my journey after wanting answers that my primary wasn’t giving me. After going through menopause, I wasn’t happy about my weight gain, low energy, just feeling blah. I was told, that’s what happens as you age. But I thought why is it that some people older than me had way more energy than I did, felt better ect…. I did an at home Everlywell test at home. But I wanted to have a different Dr to tell me what it all meant. I had been following Twin Oaks Health on Facebook and thought this is the place that can give me answers. After meeting with Dr. Sauer I knew if I wanted to do something, this was the time!! After learning all that I have in these short 6 months, I know now that my body was so out of whack. Doing intensive blood work to find out where all my levels were and doing things to get them back on track. I don’t think I’ve felt this good in a few years!!! I’m truly grateful for all the help, guidance that I’ve received/ continue to receive from Dr. Sauer and Norma!!! It’s so worth the call to start feeling better!!
Excellent at what they do!: provide guidance to people looking to actually improve their health as opposed to masking the symptoms with pharmaceuticals as modern corporate medicine does.
If you believe your health is bad and getting worse and you aren’t getting real answers (just more pills and bandaids) from your physician, then Twin Oaks can probably help you.
If you’re like I was and you already know you have unhealthy habits and lack good ones but just need some guidance on how to get there they can help you with that. If you have no idea where to start, they can help you just the same. With their step by step, one-thing-at-a-time approach, the Twin Oaks program doesn’t overwhelm but actually provides gradual transition from an unhealthy lifestyle to healthier one and you WILL be able to tell the difference.
I had brain fog and tiredness despite getting a healthy amount of sleep, signs of inflammation: soreness, easy to fatigue, moodiness, and skin problems. I had lab numbers that kept getting worse (then better with more meds, then worse next year, then even more meds.. you know the cycle). Now my numbers are going the other way along with everything else. Skin problems vanished, no unexplained fatigue, and fitness level improving with a reasonable amount of effort.
Twin Oaks can help you change your life and future with simple yet vital changes. Keep in mind you WILL have to make some changes and it IS work. But like anything else, the acclimation stage to change is the hardest part, and then it’s just life (a WAY better one). If you’re health is deteriorating and you’re sick of having temporary fixes thrown at you by your corporate doctor and if you want real answers and solutions and are willing to do some work I encourage you to set up an appointment!
For about four years, I felt something was wrong with me, internally. I kept going to traditional, conventional medical doctors, but they could not help me. I left conventional behind and I sought out Twin Oaks and Dr. Sauer. I’m going into day 75 with Dr. Sauer and I feel tremendous. Dr. Sauer gave me medical proof (I gave up lots of blood, LOL) that showed what was happening to me at a cellular level. Wow! I was a mess, but I had hope, because I was shown proof of what was going on. Dr. Sauer educated me on what my blood work stated. He answered all my questions and he spent quality time with me. I’m less fatigued, losing weight, eating organic and healthy. With Dr. Sauer’s assistance, I cannot wait to see what the next six months bring to my health.
My experience at Twin Oaks with Dr. Sauer has been great! Dr. Sauer is very knowledgeable in the labs that were done. The labs included alot, my A1C was high, my kidney and liver function were both off, and I had lots of inflammation, and Vitamin D was really low. With the 2nd labs the kidney and liver function, and A1C were improved. Plus I have lost some weight! I continue to work on Vitamin D and the inflammation. The recipes you get with the program are very good. I would highly recommend Dr. Sauer!
Dr. Sauer and his staff has been such an amazing help in my life. I no longer have anxiety and stomach pain. Me and my family have learned so much about food, how to cook it, which foods are good for you, which ones are bad, and lots of resources to help us continue on this life style change. I feel so much happier, and have way more energy. I would encourage anyone looking for answers to their health concerns, to go to one of his seminars. We are very grateful for his compassion, and knowledge. 🙂
Worth every penny spent, got answers, & medical proof to back up my gut feeling that somethings in my body were “off”.
Dr.Sauer and his team helped me to understand what my body needed & how my some of my eating habits had caused the resulting health issues I had.
Got results that have lasted and have a lot happier body! Take that “modern medicine”!
If you want to feel better, and have had limited success with conventional medicine go and visit with Dr Sauer.
I’m 63 and was thinking I would never have the energy and drive I did even 10 years ago. Thanks to Twin Oaks, I feel better, so very much better. His program makes so much sense. When your body is working as it was designed to, and being fed as we were meant to eat, you too will feel younger and healthier. Try it, you will be glad you did.
It has been great working with Dr Sauer and his group to get myself on track to better managing my blood sugar levels(Type I for 54 yrs), fine tuning my food choices, more energy, less fatigue, less irritability, weight loss, and sleeping, I have been in the program about 2 months now and hopefully the next 4 months will continue to see things in my life continue to improve. My visit with the PA I see for my diabetes was totally impressed with my insulin pump and sensor upload, it was a straight line, meaning my blood sugars were not going up and down. She said she has not seen anything like that and thought we should frame it! Looking forward to continuing on my journey to a healthier me.
Dr. Sauer’s program is a literal answer to prayer! I’m finishing my 6th week, and I feel AMAZING. I am SO proud of myself for following the program, making such positive changes, and sticking with it. I needed something like this – structured and supported. I recommend this program to EVERYONE.
Twin Oaks is helping me get my health and energy back. The education they provide on nutrition is great and will help me make life long changes to better my health.
I’m about two months into the program and have learned a lot about about nutrition and paying more attention to the food I’m eating. While I was already at a healthy weight, Dr. Sauer has helped me understand my hormones and how I can get to that next level of fitness and health. I’m very happy with the progress the program has helped me achieve so far!
It’s not an easy program but doable. Hoping all the work will become a life-long habit equating to a long life. Lots of information is shared along with professional lab work to indicate where you may need to focus your endeavors.
I am thankful for Dr. Sauer and the team at Twin Oaks Health Solutions. After completing their program, I now understand better how food affects my body and how to best fuel my body with food. They were available with guidance and encouragement every step of the way.
It helps to have a specific plan in place, and being educated about what benefits our health and what doesn’t. TOHS is helping me achieve my goals.
As a doctor myself I am careful about who I work with. I really like the approach Dr. Sauer uses. His approach not only helps people with their symptoms but more importantly helps them regain true health. I highly recommend him.
Miraculous!! Dr. Forrest Sauer’s Functional Medicine Practice has literally SAVED my life and helped me heal decades of damage from poor nutrition and unnecessary prescription drugs, which took a toll on my body, kidneys, liver, and brain, along with the quality of my life!
I suffered with debilitating, chronic pain throughout my entire body for more than 20 years. I have spent countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars at multiple doctors offices, had multiple surgeries trying to find out what was wrong with me with no answers, limited support, sent to psych because they could not determine in 15 minutes why I had so much pain. I was given nothing but more prescriptions for more drugs, I did not want, causing more damage and horrible side effects for years, ending with the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease nearly 20 years later.
Meeting Dr. Sauer has been as close to a miracle as I can get. He fully reviewed my full medical history, gave me a very thorough exam, reviewed my lab work meticulously and talked to me as a caring person, not as the next number on the ticket for the days quota. He was able to diagnose me and start a treatment plan from the day I met him.
In less than 3 months I had detoxed most of my body and I was 90% PAIN FREE, sleeping soundly and feeling better than I could ever remember. At 6 months, I was 98% PAIN FREE, most other symptoms of autoimmune disease started to subside and I was amazed I could feel this good after years of suffering!
After 8 months, I have truly began healing my body on a guided nutrition plan with vitamin supplements, experiencing NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS, actually being able to sleep and wake up with energy for the first time in my LIFE!! My autoimmune issues are almost in full remission!! With some personal accountability, dietary lifestyle changes, guidance and encouragement from my doctor, I feel like a new person!
I believe I was truly blessed the day I was referred to his practice!! I cannot thank him and my friend you referred me enough!! Bless you!!
I had been in about 10 Chiropractors office in Fargo metropolitan area.. looking a Chiro to help me.. I had a L5 S1 damage…. and Brachial Plexus Damage… no one could help me.. until I found Forest.. All my joints of my body were out of place… Thanks Forest .. you are helping me a lot.. still I am in treatment by him… I no need to tell you but I am in tears .. tears of happiness.. we are winning the battle !!
Thank you to Twin Oaks Health for sending out the newsletter with reminders to not eat as much sugar and to exercise more. It keeps the solutions for some health issues in our court knowing that we can do our part in staying healthy by using the “n” word (no) and planning schedules to provide time for exercise.
Twin Oaks Health Solutions
1531 32nd Ave S. Suite 102
Fargo, ND 58103