Twin Oaks Health Case Study: 42 Year Old Female

We started working with a 42-year-old female who came to us. She’d kind of been having this ongoing rash, a lot of fatigue, hurt, palpations, anxious feelings, and she’s a busy mom, and so she just wanted to find some peace and find some answers.

And after we did her blood work, we did find out she has an autoimmune disorder called Hashimotos. It is when the immune system is very overreactive and attacks the thyroid. It can look like hypothyroidism, but it’s an immune system problem versus a thyroid situation. So we got her on the right protocol for her and started doing some food eliminations. And it took her a little bit longer. We do see that a lot when it comes to autoimmune But slowly the rash started going away, and slowly she started to kind of feel this energy coming on. And I think the most exciting thing for her was being able to get those heart palpations under control. One of the things she raves about is she just loves the information. One of our

goals here is we want to help people become their own health advocates. So really helping just educate her, but also knowing where she can go and find resources and do the education that she needs to empower herself so she just loves the resources that we’ve given her. She loves the tools and education. Part of her journey, too, was also mentally weighing on her, you know, so you get these physical ailments, and then it starts to become who you are mentally. And so for her, she’s overcome that. She’s changed her mindset, and she’s gotten pretty passionate about educating others on their health, and, you know, reading labels and removing all these processed foods out of the diet, and so she’s making those changes for her family. So she’s seeing positive effects in her kids and her husband, and she’s just really excited about where her life is going now. Instead of dreading what the next day was going to look like for her and if she was going to have enough energy to make it through the day, she now feels like she can wake up and kind of conquer the day. And it’s just been really exciting to see her transformation.


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