7 Signs of Thyroid Imbalance You Shouldn’t Ignore

Look Out for the Signs of thyroid imbalance: Know Your Health

The thyroid is essential for maintaining overall health, even when it is not visible. Positioned at the front of your neck, this endocrine gland produces hormones that regulate vital bodily functions–such as heart rate and energy release to cells. A balanced production of these hormones is essential for optimal body performance.

An imbalanced thyroid can have a significant impact on your health, affecting your energy levels, mood, weight, and more. It’s important to be aware of the signs so that you can identify when there is an issue and seek out medical help. 

At Twin Oaks Health, we aim to empower individuals by raising awareness of symptoms related to thyroid imbalances.

You can prevent thyroid imbalances by recognizing the signs and taking preventive measures. Take charge of your well-being today and learn how you can benefit from our expert guidance at Twin Oaks Health!

Find Out What Thyroid Imbalance Is

Keep reading for our top 7 signs of thyroid imbalance. Seek medical help immediately if you experience any of the warning signs.

1. Heart Rate Variations

Thyroid hormones play a vital role in regulating your heart rhythm. Inadequate hormone production can cause an abnormally slow pulse rate, leading to stiff blood vessels and potential complications.

Conversely, excessive hormone secretion results in a rapid heartbeat that strains the cardiovascular system and may exacerbate existing issues or create new ones if not addressed promptly. Both an under and overactive heart rate are signs of thyroid imbalance. It is crucial to monitor thyroid function carefully, as it directly impacts overall cardiac health. Don’t wait until problems arise!

2. Body Weight Gain or Loss

If you’ve noticed a sudden change in your weight, it could be an indication of thyroid hormone irregularities. The release of hormones can have a significant impact on appetite and ultimately result in fluctuations in body mass. Overeating or under-eating may lead to various nutritional problems that need immediate attention. Don’t ignore the signs; take control of your health today with the help of Twin Oaks Health!

3. Fatigue and Weakness

Don’t let hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism bring you down with feelings of weakness and exhaustion. You may experience this when tackling simple tasks like climbing stairs, lifting objects, or even just moving around. 

Even with ample rest, you may still feel lethargic and lack energy. The thyroid gland may not be functioning properly, leading to decreased metabolism. 

Your muscles might feel tender and tighter than usual, too. But don’t give up! There are ways to address these symptoms. At Twin Oaks, we do more than manage the symptoms you’re facing. We address the root cause and help you transform your health so you are thriving instead of merely surviving. 

4. Anxiety, Nervousness, Irritability, or Excessive Sweating

Anxiety is a most common sign of thyroid imbalance, with sufferers often feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with everyday activities. With hyperthyroidism, nervousness and irritability are also common as well as excessive sweating due to the body’s increased metabolism.

Seek out functional assistance as soon as possible to receive an accurate diagnosis and care if you experience these symptoms.

5.     Eye Problems

Another sign of thyroid imbalance is altered vision. Some people may experience dry eyes, while others have complete double vision. In more severe cases, the eyes may protrude outwardly. By seeking the help of a functional medicine doctor and taking the necessary steps toward balancing your hormone levels, you can overcome these challenges with strength.

6.     An Increase in Mood Swings

Thyroid imbalances may cause mood swings. Too much or too little hormone production can lead to emotional instability and sudden changes in mood such as feeling irritable, anxious, or depressed. Take charge of your health by seeking proper advice with Twin Oaks Health to find the underlying cause and get appropriate care.

7.     Sleep-related Issues

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating body temperature, a crucial factor in achieving restful sleep. Overactive thyroids can lead to insomnia, while underactive ones may cause excessive drowsiness throughout the day.

Exhaustion is a typical thyroid imbalance symptom and may indicate insufficient thyroid hormone production. A decrease in energy levels can lead to difficulty staying awake during the day and falling asleep at night. Additionally, individuals with thyroid imbalance may experience other sleep-related issues, such as insomnia and restless sleep.

As quality sleep greatly impacts overall well-being, either extreme could exacerbate existing health concerns or even trigger new problems. It’s essential to maintain balance and keep your thyroid functioning well for optimal health.

Prevent Thyroid Imbalance with a Functional Approach

At Twin Oaks, we suggest that the thyroid imbalance can be both addressed and prevented in several ways, so it’s important to be aware of the key steps you can take to protect yourself and your health.

  • Get Regular Check-Ups

Regular check-ups are a must, as they allow your provider to monitor your thyroid levels and catch any potential issues before they become serious. Ensure optimal thyroid health by scheduling regular check-ups with a functional medicine practitioner who has a deep understanding of the intricacies of the thyroid gland. Be sure to mention any symptoms or issues that you’re having, even if they seem minor or unrelated. 

A functional medicine practitioner can help identify potential imbalances and develop a plan to address them, taking into account individual needs and lifestyles.

  • Monitor Your Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet is very helpful for hypothyroid people. Iodine-rich foods, like seafood and seaweed, can help them feel better. Eating natural, balanced foods, avoiding sugary foods and drinks, and getting plenty of calcium and vitamin D will help maintain healthy thyroid functioning.

  • Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for overall health and for keeping the hormones that regulate your thyroid in balance. Sleep for seven to eight hours every night to prevent imbalances.

  • Manage Stress

Stress has been linked with thyroid dysfunction, so managing stress is an essential step toward protecting against imbalances. Make time for relaxation activities, exercise, spending time with friends and family, and other ways to manage stressors.

To avoid thyroid imbalance, it is essential to adopt a functional approach. This involves managing physical, chemical, and emotional stress, with the help of a qualified functional medicine practitioner.

What Steps Should I Take Today to Balance My Thyroid?

It is essential to recognize signs of an imbalanced thyroid and seek expert advice from Dr. Forrest Sauer and his team right away to achieve holistic wellness!

Incorporating a consistent workout routine into your lifestyle can be helpful in maintaining thyroid equilibrium. Physical activity has been proven to decrease stress levels, which benefits the functionality of the thyroid gland. We at Twin Oaks recommend dedicating 20-30 minutes of HIIT exercise 2-3 times per week. Remember you’re trying to heal your thyroid, which can cause fatigue so don’t push yourself too much!

Make sure you consume three generous servings of vegetables today – your body will thank you! Take charge of your health today!

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