Forrest Sauer

woman laying in hospital bed

The Secret Danger of Relying on Health Insurance

The Danger of Handing The Keys Of Your Health Over To Someone Else Do you believe that America is in a Healthcare Crisis? Do you believe more people have Diabetes, Heart Disease, Thyroid Disease, and Cancer than 20 years ago? If you answered yes, then the question remains…. WHY? Why have we been brainwashed into […]

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Why Can’t I Sleep at Night?

Are you struggling to wake up feeling rested and energized for the day? If you are one of the millions of people who aren’t getting adequate sleep, have you considered that what you are eating could be the cause? Most people know that food is essential in maintaining health, but don’t often think about how […]

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Top 4 Non-Negotiable Items When it Comes to Your Health

If there’s anything consistent about the Health and Wellness industry it’s that it’s anything BUT consistent. The amount of information out there regarding health and wellness is simply overwhelming and quite honestly, exhausting. So, if you are drowning in information and starving for clarity. This will be a welcome email. 1. Mindset Understanding that you are […]

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A couple watching the sunset on vacation

The Power of a Decision

Have you ever experienced a moment where someone said a common phrase in an uncommon way? I had that experience this week during a consultation with Nancy. It was right after I asked her the question. “Why do you want to make changes to your health, why is it important to you?” A question I have asked 1000’s […]

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