Forrest Sauer
7 Easy Ways to Balance the Bacteria in Your Gut
The balance of good to bad bacteria in your gut has a major influence on your overall health. When you gut bacteria is out of balance, a whole lot of health issues can follow. It can be the cause of autoimmune problems such as arthritis, diabetes, and even an under or overactive thyroid. It can […]
Gluten-Free Banana Bread
The Guilt-Free Treat Banana bread is one of those treats in my house that doesn’t last too long. Rarely does it make it through the night or require finding the right storage container. I don’t know if you ever do this but, a common practice that happens in our house consists of cutting just a […]
Do You Feel Like You Are Being Bullied into Getting the Vaccine?
Am I the only one who sees that history is repeating itself?It seems like everywhere I look these past several months there has been one consistent message. “Get The Vaccine“ If you spend any time watching the news (which I do not), or time on social media (I am a casual participant). You can’t help but […]
4 Tips to Reduce Lower Back, Knee & Foot Pain
Facebook Pinterest Instagram Walk This Way! She Told Me To Walk This Way! Talk This Way! Walk This Way! Talk This Way! Just Teach Me To Strut Ooh, a-Like This! Okay, that might not be exactly what Steven Tyler says while on stage. But it’s close. Mr. Tyler does have a point however there is […]